Our ride today was a blast. It was a huge relief to finally get out of the desert and back into some interesting terrain. We spent the day going in and out of mountain passes, with some longer climbs and quick downhills. There was no headwind and the temperature hung around a chilly 90 degrees. It was the most fun I’ve had on the bike since Cambria, and I took all kinds of pictures.

Today was also the first day I really felt in shape. We were taking the hills at a good pace, and we were cruising on the flats. Talking with the guys in the pace line really made the day fly by, and we went the 80 miles in what seemed like no time. The best part was at the end of the day though when I got the purple cowboy hat award. The hat is passed around from team member to team member when we have the weekly circle up. The person who displays the most enthusiasm in that week, as deemed by the previous owner, receives the hat. I was pretty pumped to get to hold on to it for this week.
We’ve got some hard days coming up so I’m gonna keep this short, do my pushups and get to bed.
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