Today was our second day in Birmingham. The programming today was probably the most entertaining that we’ve seen the whole trip. We got to sleep in until 7:00AM, and headed over to a local grease trap restaurant for some morning omelets.
The first stop of the day was at the Alabama training center for the Paralympics. The Paralympics is a competition held in parallel with the Olympic games, and takes place in the weeks following the conclusion of the regular Olympic games. It has competitors from each country represented in the Olympics, but has some slightly different sporting events and rules. This facility specializes in coaching and conditioning Paralympic athletes with physical or mental disabilities in any number of these specialized events.
The tour guide that was showing us around was actually a gold medalist in the Paralympic games, and it took me until halfway through the tour to realize that she was blind. Her sport is called goal ball, and is designed for the vision impaired. This game is sort of like a combination of bowling and dodge ball, where the two teams stand on opposite sides of the court, and attempt to pitch a ball over the opposing team’s back line. The ball is filled with tambourine-like cymbals that let the athletes determine where the ball is on the court. The defenders must react to the noise and prevent the ball from crossing their goal line by stopping it with any part of their body. Unfortunately we were not able to see the game in action, but the tour guide explained the rules and showed us the court so that we could get the gist of it.
We went on to use the rest of the gym’s facilities with some of the organization’s athletes. They had a giant rock wall, a full gymnasium, three full size basketball courts, a training pool, and spinning room with both foot crank and hand crank stationary bikes. In the gym we got to play wheelchair football for the first time, and even got into a big game of wheelchair capture the flag. Some people went over to climb the rock wall, some went to do some spinning on the stationary bikes, and we even got a good old fashioned game of 5 v. 5 basketball going too.
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