Today we had a day off in Chapel Hill. We had to be ready to leave lodging by 11:30AM, so naturally my room woke up at 11:15AM. From there we went to lunch at subway, and we got not only some money for lunch, but money for the breakfast we slept through. Thanks Push!
From there we headed over to a friendship visit at Extraordinary Adventures, a day camp for kids with disabilities. A few of us were playing “The Price is Right” on the Nintendo Wii with a boy named Ewan. He was parading around the room acting like Bob Barker, holding the Wiimote up to his mouth acting like it was a microphone, asking people if they would like to spin the giant wheel.
After hanging out with Ewan for a bit, I made my way over to where they had a karaoke machine set up. I started talking with a guy named Quentin and his caretaker. I asked him if he was going to sing and he said no, but he told me his favorite singer was James Brown. He heard me beat boxing to one of the songs and asked me if I knew how to rap. I faked it for a little bit while he spit me a hot beat. I then proceeded to apologize to him for my lack of street cred. He had to leave kind of early, but hanging out with him was some of the most fun I’ve had at a friendship visit this trip.
When we were done at Extraordinary Adventures, we headed back to the hotel for a bit and then later went over to the Kappa house of Pi Kappa Phi for a pig roast dinner. It was cool to see a bunch of the guys that I had met last night again, and to meet some people I hadn’t got the chance to before. The people you meet along the road are really what makes this trip special, and the men of Kappa chapter are a perfect example of that.
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